Kustom Ukuran Gambar Thumbnail
- SoeBa JoeGi
- 1468 Kali Dilihat
- 0 Komentar
Kustom Ukuran Gambar Thumbnail
Secara default ukuran gambar thumbnail adalah 122 x 91px, namun sudah beberapa kali saya dapati pengguna menanyakan tentang bagaimana dan dimana letak file untuk merubah ukuran gambar thumbnail, dan oleh karena itu maka saya akan berikan tutorial ini.
Sebelum melangkah lebih jauh, saya sarankan agar anda terlebih dahulu mencoba pada web localhost untuk menghindari kesalahan atau error fatal.
Silahkan buka root_dir/po-includes/js/filemanager/upload.php
Gulir kebawah dan temukan baris ke 93, ok.... sudah tahu kan? Sebelumnya saya sudah yakin bahwa pembaca blog multibisnisindo ini memang orang-orang yang cerdas. Jadi baru saya kasih tahu barisnya langsung mengerti jawabanya.
Jika anda telah melakukan update filemanager, baris tersebut terletak pada baris 172.
if (!isset($config)){
$config = include 'config/config.php';
//TODO switch to array
extract($config, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
include 'include/utils.php';
if ($_SESSION['RF']["verify"] != "RESPONSIVEfilemanager")
response('forbiden', 403)->send();
if (isset($_POST['path']))
$storeFolder = $_POST['path'];
$storeFolderThumb = $_POST['path_thumb'];
$storeFolder = $current_path.$_POST["fldr"]; // correct for when IE is in Compatibility mode
$storeFolderThumb = $thumbs_base_path.$_POST["fldr"];
$path_pos = strpos($storeFolder,$current_path);
$thumb_pos = strpos($storeFolderThumb,$thumbs_base_path);
if ($path_pos!==0
|| $thumb_pos !==0
|| strpos($storeFolderThumb,'../',strlen($thumbs_base_path)) !== FALSE
|| strpos($storeFolderThumb,'./',strlen($thumbs_base_path)) !== FALSE
|| strpos($storeFolder,'../',strlen($current_path)) !== FALSE
|| strpos($storeFolder,'./',strlen($current_path)) !== FALSE )
die('wrong path');
$path = $storeFolder;
$cycle = TRUE;
$max_cycles = 50;
$i = 0;
while ($cycle && $i < $max_cycles)
if ($path == $current_path) $cycle = FALSE;
if (file_exists($path."config.php"))
require_once $path."config.php";
$cycle = FALSE;
$path = fix_dirname($path).'/';
if ( ! empty($_FILES))
$info = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']);
if (in_array(fix_strtolower($info['extension']), $ext))
$tempFile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$targetPath = $storeFolder;
$targetPathThumb = $storeFolderThumb;
$_FILES['file']['name'] = fix_filename($_FILES['file']['name'],$transliteration,$convert_spaces, $replace_with);
// Gen. new file name if exists
if (file_exists($targetPath.$_FILES['file']['name']))
$i = 1;
$info = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']);
// append number
while(file_exists($targetPath.$info['filename']."_".$i.".".$info['extension'])) {
$_FILES['file']['name'] = $info['filename']."_".$i.".".$info['extension'];
$targetFile = $targetPath. $_FILES['file']['name'];
$targetFileThumb = $targetPathThumb. $_FILES['file']['name'];
// check if image (and supported)
if (in_array(fix_strtolower($info['extension']),$ext_img)) $is_img=TRUE;
else $is_img=FALSE;
// upload
chmod($targetFile, 0755);
if ($is_img)
$memory_error = FALSE;
if ( ! create_img($targetFile, $targetFileThumb, 122, 91))
$memory_error = FALSE;
// TODO something with this long function baaaah...
if( ! new_thumbnails_creation($targetPath,$targetFile,$_FILES['file']['name'],$current_path,$relative_image_creation,$relative_path_from_current_pos,$relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend,$relative_image_creation_name_to_append,$relative_image_creation_width,$relative_image_creation_height,$relative_image_creation_option,$fixed_image_creation,$fixed_path_from_filemanager,$fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend,$fixed_image_creation_to_append,$fixed_image_creation_width,$fixed_image_creation_height,$fixed_image_creation_option))
$memory_error = FALSE;
$imginfo = getimagesize($targetFile);
$srcWidth = $imginfo[0];
$srcHeight = $imginfo[1];
// resize images if set
if ($image_resizing)
if ($image_resizing_width == 0) // if width not set
if ($image_resizing_height == 0)
$image_resizing_width = $srcWidth;
$image_resizing_height = $srcHeight;
$image_resizing_width = $image_resizing_height*$srcWidth/$srcHeight;
elseif ($image_resizing_height == 0) // if height not set
$image_resizing_height = $image_resizing_width*$srcHeight/$srcWidth;
// new dims and create
$srcWidth = $image_resizing_width;
$srcHeight = $image_resizing_height;
create_img($targetFile, $targetFile, $image_resizing_width, $image_resizing_height, $image_resizing_mode);
//max resizing limit control
$resize = FALSE;
if ($image_max_width != 0 && $srcWidth > $image_max_width && $image_resizing_override === FALSE)
$resize = TRUE;
$srcWidth = $image_max_width;
if ($image_max_height == 0) $srcHeight = $image_max_width*$srcHeight/$srcWidth;
if ($image_max_height != 0 && $srcHeight > $image_max_height && $image_resizing_override === FALSE){
$resize = TRUE;
$srcHeight = $image_max_height;
if ($image_max_width == 0) $srcWidth = $image_max_height*$srcWidth/$srcHeight;
if ($resize) create_img($targetFile, $targetFile, $srcWidth, $srcHeight, $image_max_mode);
// not enough memory
if ($memory_error)
header('HTTP/1.1 406 Not enought Memory',TRUE,406);
echo $_FILES['file']['name'];
else // file ext. is not in the allowed list
header('HTTP/1.1 406 file not permitted',TRUE,406);
else // no files to upload
header('HTTP/1.1 405 Bad Request', TRUE, 405);
// redirect
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
$query = http_build_query(array(
'type' => $_POST['type'],
'lang' => $_POST['lang'],
'popup' => $_POST['popup'],
'field_id' => $_POST['field_id'],
'fldr' => $_POST['fldr'],
header("location: dialog.php?" . $query);
Ya, memang hanya itu saja, lalu silahkan coba uploads melalui pustaka dan lihat hasilnya pada folder thumbnail. Jangan lupa mainkan jari telunjuk ya....