Berikut adalah helper tema untuk melengkapi dokumentasi PopojiCms. Helper tema yang didokumentasikan pada halaman ini pada dasarnya ada dalam file PopojiCms, namun belum didokumentasikan pada dokumentasi helper tema PopojiCms.
<?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo(substr($recent_side['date'],8,2));?> //Hari
<?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->getBulanShrt(substr($recent_side['date'],5,2));?> //Bulan
<?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo(substr($recent_side['date'],0,4));?> //Tahun
$languages = $this->language()->getLanguage('ASC');
foreach($languages as $language){
echo "<li><a href='?lang=".$language['code']."'>".$language['title']."</a>";
Jika penasaran silahkan buka file header.php tema hueman.
Rubah protokol smtp pada file berikut:
dibaris :
$this->pomail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';
ganti jadi :
$this->pomail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
Bagi yang menggunakan Gmail sebagai email admin, baca tentang allow less secure apps dan xoauth melalui link dibawah:
Masalah error User level:, custom role user silahkan edit sourcenya di po-content/component/user/admin_user.php
pada menu:<?php
echo $this->menu()->getFrontMenu(WEB_LANG, 'class="nav navbar-nav"', '', 'class="dropdown-menu"', 'class="dropdown-toggle hvr-bounce-to-bottom" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"');
Lalu ganti file : po-includes/core/vendor/dynamicmenu/front_menu.php
dengan file "front_menu2.php
" berikut:
* - PopojiCMS Core Vendor
* - File : front_menu.php
* - Version : 1.0
* - Author : Gawibowo edited by Jenuar Dalapang
* - License : MIT License
* Ini adalah library untuk mengenerate nested lists.
* This is library for generating nested lists.
* Contoh untuk penggunaan class ini
* Example for uses this class
* $instance = new FrontMenu;
* $menu = $instance->menu(1, 'class="nav" id="side-menu"', '', 'class="nav nav-second-level"');
* echo $menu;
class FrontMenu
protected $podb;
* Constructor. Initialize database connection
public function __construct()
$this->pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=".DATABASE_HOST.";dbname=".DATABASE_NAME."", DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASS);
$this->podb = new FluentPDO($this->pdo);
* Get menu from database, and generate html nested list
* @param int $group_id
* @param string $attr, $attrs, $attrss
* @return string
public function menu($group_id, $attr = '', $attrs = '', $attrss = '', $attrsss = '')
global $_;
$selectlang = (isset($_COOKIE['lang']) ? $_COOKIE['lang'] : 'id');
include_once DIR_CON."/lang/main/".$selectlang.".php";
include_once "tree.php";
$tree = new Tree;
$base_root = ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] && !in_array(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']),array('off','no'))) ? 'https' : 'http').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$base_url = preg_replace("//(index.php$)/", "", $base_root);
$menu = $this->podb->from('menu')
->where('group_id', $group_id)
->where('active', 'Y')
->orderBy(array('parent_id ASC', 'position ASC'))
foreach ($menu as $row) {
if (!preg_match("~^(?:f|ht)tps?://~i", $row['url'])) {
$menu_url = $base_url.'/'.$row['url'];
} else {
$menu_url = $row['url'];
if ($row['parent_id'] == 0) {
if ($row['class'] != '') {
$label = '<a href="' . $menu_url . '" '.($row['target'] != 'none' ? 'target="' . $row['target'] . '"' : '').'>';
} else {
$label = '<a href="' . $menu_url . '" '.($row['target'] != 'none' ? 'target="' . $row['target'] . '"' : '').'>';
} else {
if ($row['class'] != '') {
$label = '<a ' . $attrsss . ' href="' . $menu_url . '" '.($row['target'] != 'none' ? 'target="' . $row['target'] . '"' : '').'>';
} else {
$label = '<a ' . $attrsss . ' href="' . $menu_url . '" '.($row['target'] != 'none' ? 'target="' . $row['target'] . '"' : '').'>';
$label .= $row['title'];
$label .= '</a>';
$li_attr = '';
$tree->add_row($row['id'], $row['parent_id'], $li_attr, $label);
$menu = $tree->generate_list($attr, $attrs, $attrss);
return $menu;
Hal tersebut menyebabka server sering down karena kehabisan memory atau resources akibat to many connection db in core.php
. Biasanya diketahui dengan munculnya error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /home/numpanglewat/public_html/po-includes/core/vendor/fluentpdo/SelectQuery.php on line 126
Untuk mengatasi hal diatas silahkan replace po-includes/core/core.php
dengan merujuk kepada link berikut:
Lanjutkan dengan main setting:
php.ini:memory_limit: 32M
tambah jadi:memory_limit: 128M
atau jadimemory_limit: 256M
.htaccess:<IfModule php7_module>
php_flag display_errors On
php_value max_execution_time 30
php_value max_input_time 60
php_value max_input_vars 1000
php_value memory_limit 32M
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 1440
php_value session.save_path "/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php56"
php_value upload_max_filesize 2M
Jadi:<IfModule php7_module>
php_flag display_errors On
php_value max_execution_time 30
php_value max_input_time 60
php_value max_input_vars 1000
php_value memory_limit 128M
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 1440
php_value session.save_path "/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php56"
php_value upload_max_filesize 2M
$pages = $this->pocore()->call->podb->from('pages')
->select(array('pages_description.title', 'pages_description.content'))
->leftJoin('pages_description ON pages_description.id_pages = pages.id_pages')
->where('pages.seotitle', 'seotitle-pages') /** seotitle-pages silahkan ganti dengan seotitle halaman yang ingin ditampilkan **/
->where('pages_description.id_language', WEB_LANG_ID)
->where('', 'Y')
Judul Halaman:
Gabar Halaman:
Konten Halaman:
Lanjutkan dengan menambahkan snippet pada po-content/component/home/home.php
$router->match('GET|POST', '/judul-halaman', function() use ($core, $templates) {
$lang = $core->setlang('home', WEB_LANG);
$info = array(
'page_title' => 'Judul-halaman',
'page_desc' => $core->posetting[2]['value'],
'page_key' => $core->posetting[3]['value'],
'social_mod' => 'Judul-halaman',
'social_name' => $core->posetting[0]['value'],
'social_url' => $core->posetting[1]['value'].'/judul-halaman',
'social_title' => 'Judul-halaman',
'social_desc' => $core->posetting[2]['value'],
'social_img' => $core->posetting[1]['value'].'/'.DIR_INC.'/images/favicon.png'
$adddata = array_merge($info, $lang);
echo $templates->render('judul-halaman', compact('lang'));
Pada po-content/widget/post/post.php
tambahkan where baru diatas orderby:
Populer 3 hari terakhir:
->where('post.publishdate', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-3 days')))
Untuk populer minggu ini :
->where('DATE(post.publishdate)', 'DATE_SUB(DATE("'.date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00"), INTERVAL 1 WEEK)')
Untuk popular bulan ini:
->where('MONTH(post.publishdate) = ?', date('m'))
$post = array();
$categorys = $this->pocore()->call->podb->from('post_category')
->where('id_category', $this->post()->getCategoryParentTree('1'))
->orderBy('id_post_category DESC')
foreach($categorys as $cat){
$if_post = $this->post()->getPostById($cat['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);
if (!empty($if_post['active'])) {
$post[] = $this->post()->getPostById($cat['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);
$popular = $this->post()->arrayOrderBy($post, 'hits', SORT_DESC);
foreach(array_slice($popular,0,5) as $post){
<?=$category_side['title'];?> (<?=count($this->post()->getPostByCategory($category_side['id_category'], '100', 'DESC', WEB_LANG_ID));?>)
$table = new PoTable('post');
$Query = $table->findAllLimitByAnd(id_post, id_category, active, '2', 'Y', DESC, '7');
foreach($Query as $tampil){
Mengatasi User tidak bisa login:
Masuk file login.php yang ada difolder po-admin terus cari baris seperti ini
->where('users.level', array('1','2','3'))
Tambahkan level member (4) pada baris tersebut menjadi seperti ini
->where('users.level', array('1','2','3','4'))